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6-VPDSS Controls & Elements – 2 | Vital Advisory

Workshop – 6
VPDSS Controls and Elements – 2

We continue our examination of the 18 mandatory Standards (VPDSS) and 114 VPDSS Elements which support the VPDSF.

The Standards and Elements help ensure that your organisation’s approch to information security covers the full spread of activities needed to safeguard private data. We make clear what risk types each standard and element seek to address and how you can implement them within your business processes.

Session Topics

Victorian Protective Data Security Standards, VPDSS Elements, information security control selection, SRPA, PDSP, ISO-27001.

Included Resources

VPDSS guide, VPDSS Elements guide, exercises in selecting treatment options.

Current workshop series is complete

Please see our new VPDSF Process Champion and VPDSF Lead Implementer courses for training opportunities.